Results for 'M. árta AbrusáN.'

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  1. A Semantics for Degree Questions Based on Intervals: Negative Islands and Their Obviation: Articles.M. árta AbrusáN. & Benjamin Spector - 2011 - Journal of Semantics 28 (1):107-147.
    According to the standard analysis of degree questions, the logical form of a degree question contains a variable that ranges over individual degrees and is bound by the degree question operator how. In contrast with this, we claim that the variable bound by the degree question operator how does not range over individual degrees but over intervals of degrees, by analogy with Schwarzschild and Wilkinson's proposal regarding the semantics of comparative clauses. Not only does the interval-based semantics predict the existence (...)
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  2. Riesgos Y beneficios en el consumo de plantas medicinales theoria, año/vol. 14, número 002 universidad Del bío-bío chillán, chile. [REVIEW]Riesgos Y. Beneficios En El Consumo, M. Arta A. Na C. Arballo, Cmc Ortada & Abg Adano - 2005 - Theoria 14 (2):95-108.
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    Children as Victims of Domestic Violence – Deprivation of Parental Rights according to the Family Law Act of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Family Law Act of Kosovo.M. A. Julinda Elezi & Arta Selmani-Bakiu - 2021 - Seeu Review 16 (1):30-44.
    Domestic violence is one of the most serious forms of violation of basic human freedoms and rights regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion, and status. A reflection on many international statistics shows that women are the most frequent victims of domestic violence. Based on the definition of the phenomenon of domestic violence, the forms of abuse, the manner how violence is treated, the possibility of children, men, extramarital spouses, brothers, sisters, and old people living in an extended domestic community, of also (...)
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    M arta B ertolaso, Philosophy of Cancer: A Dynamic and Relational View, Dordrecht: Springer, 2016, xv + 190 pp., £66.99. [REVIEW]Anya Plutynski - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):1.
  5. Yirʼat H. le-Ḥayim: ḳunṭresim mi-kitve ḳodesh shel... Ḥayim... ha-a.b.d. ṿe-r.m. di-ḳ.ḳ. Ṿolozin: asher yiḳare... ba-shem Nefesh ha-ḥayim.... ʻIm beʼurim, perushim, hosafot ṿe-tsiyunim ba-shem U-vaḥarta ba-ḥayim / ʻal yede Aharon Daṿid b. la-a.a.m. ṿe-r. Yitsḥaḳ ha-Leṿi Goldberg.Ḥayyim ben Isaac Volozhiner - 1997 - Ṿiḳlif, Ohayo: A.D. ben Y. ha-Leṿi Goldberg. Edited by A. D. Goldberg.
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  6. Predicting the presuppositions of soft triggers.Márta Abrusán - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (6):491-535.
    The central idea behind this paper is that presuppositions of soft triggers arise from the way our attention structures the informational content of a sentence. Some aspects of the information conveyed are such that we pay attention to them by default, even in the absence of contextual information. On the other hand, contextual cues or conversational goals can divert attention to types of information that we would not pay attention to by default. Either way, whatever we do not pay attention (...)
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  7. Presupposition cancellation: explaining the ‘soft–hard’ trigger distinction.Márta Abrusán - 2016 - Natural Language Semantics 24 (2):165-202.
    Some presuppositions are easier to cancel than others in embedded contexts. This contrast has been used as evidence for distinguishing two fundamentally different kinds of presuppositions, ‘soft’ and ‘hard’. ‘Soft’ presuppositions are usually assumed to arise in a pragmatic way, while ‘hard’ presuppositions are thought to be genuine semantic presuppositions. This paper argues against such a distinction and proposes to derive the difference in cancellation from inherent differences in how presupposition triggers interact with the context: their focus sensitivity, anaphoricity, and (...)
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    The spectrum of perspective shift: protagonist projection versus free indirect discourse.Márta Abrusán - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (4):839-873.
    This paper examines a little studied type of perspective shift that I call protagonist projection, following Holton :625–628, 1997). PP is a way of describing the mental state of a protagonist that conveys, to some extent, her perspective. Similarly to its better known cousin free indirect discourse, the shift in perspective is achieved without an overt operator. Unlike FID, PP is not based on a presumed speech-act of a protagonist. Rather, it gives a linguistic form to pre-verbal perceptual content, sensations, (...)
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    Coercion and pragmatic presuppositions.Márta Abrusán - 2016 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 59 (5):529-541.
    In Category Mistakes, Magidor proposes that sortal restrictions should be viewed as pragmatic presuppositions. This contrasts with recent linguistic theories of successfully resolved category mistakes, e.g. coercions or copredication. It has been argued that for the proper treatment of such examples, sortal restrictions should be expressed by semantic presuppositions since they need to interact with compositional semantics. I explore possible ways in which Magidor’s theory could be extended to explain examples of coercion and copredication. The outcome of the discussion is (...)
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  10.  17
    On Wh-Islands.Márta Abrusán - 2009 - In Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung. University of Stuttgart. pp. 47–62.
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  11. Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung.Márta Abrusán (ed.) - 2009 - University of Stuttgart.
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    The perspective‐sensitivity of presuppositions.Márta Abrusán - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (2):584-603.
    Presuppositions are perspective‐sensitive: They may be evaluated with respect to the beliefs of a salient protagonist. This happens not only in well‐known cases of perspective shift such as free indirect discourse, but also when the perspective shift is less obvious, but still present, such as in examples of so‐called protagonist projection. In this paper, I show that this simple observation explains many puzzling facts noted in connection with presuppositions over the last 50 years, concerning, for example, emotive and cognitive factives, (...)
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    Presuppositional and negative islands: a semantic account. [REVIEW]Márta Abrusán - 2011 - Natural Language Semantics 19 (3):257-321.
    This paper proposes a new explanation for the oddness of presuppositional and negative islands, as well as the puzzling observation that these islands can be obviated by certain quantificational elements. The proposal rests on two independently motivated assumptions: (i) the idea that the domain of manners contains contraries and (ii) the notion that degree expressions range over intervals. It is argued that, given these natural assumptions, presuppositional and negative islands are predicted to lead to a presupposition failure in any context.
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  14.  19
    Domestic Violence Against Children – Negation Of Fundamental Rights.Arta Selmani - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (1):166-174.
    Children are the most sensitive part of a sciety, therefore the violence against them is considered a serious violation of their personal rights and their higher interests. In most of cases, children in Republic of Macedonia are very little or not at all informed concerning the possibilities of reporting the cases of violence against them by their parents or relatives. The issue of domestic violence is still considered a private problem which occurs within the home. Thus, in most of cases, (...)
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  15.  18
    Interrogations And The Right To Remain Silent - A Comparative Approach.Arta Bilalli - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (1):69-78.
    Interrogations are a very specific component of any criminal investigation. The answers gained through interrogative process provides information that are considered as direct evidences. In contemporary criminal procedure, the court is not absolved from gaining other evidences, even in cases when the defendant confesses his/her guiltiness. This is a mechanism for excluding the inquisitorial approach for extracting compulsory confessions. The modern procedure uses a variety of mechanisms to guarantee that the defendant will not be compelled to confess guilt. Those mechanisms (...)
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  16.  15
    A Comparative Corpus-Based Study on the Political Discourse of the U.S. Presidents: Obama and Trump.Arta Toçi & Enes Ismeti - 2022 - Seeu Review 17 (2):71-86.
    The aim of this research is to analyze the political discourse and the language they used in public addresses provided by two former presidents of the United States, specifically, President Barak Obama and President Donald Trump. This research reflects on the material that has been collected for several months which aimed to contribute on the analysis of the corpus, distinctions and similarities, as well as their attitudes towards the public opinion. The objectives of this study are mainly empirical and theoretical. (...)
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  17.  27
    Problems with Pronunciation Among Students of English Language and Literature-Seeu.Arta Toçi - 2020 - Seeu Review 15 (2):113-125.
    Everybody who has learned English as a second or foreign language knows that for reaching intermediate levels, English is an easy language regarding grammar and vocabulary; however, when reaching advanced levels, the learners are faced with complex forms of morphology, syntax, and most obviously, they are faced with the difficulties that pronunciation presents. These are mainly the problems that occur with the English students whose native language is other than English. An experienced teacher of non-native speakers of English can easily (...)
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  18.  27
    The Impact of ICT on the GDP Growth of Western Balkan Countries.Besnik Fetai & Arta Ejupi Ibrahimi - 2022 - Seeu Review 17 (1):105-119.
    The aim is to investigate the Information Communication Technology on GDP growth in Western Balkan countries from 2000 - 2019. Different econometric techniques were used such as pooled OLS, fixed effects, random effects, and the Hausman Taylor model with instrumental variables. The findings indicate that fixed telephone subscriptions and individuals using the internet have a positive effect on GDP growth, while the fixed broadband subscriptions and mobile cellular subscriptions have a negative effect on GDP growth. The results also show general (...)
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  19.  23
    Shestov and Fondane: Life beyond Morals.Arta Lucescu-Boutcher - 1994 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 6 (1):79-86.
  20.  16
    Joined and Responsible Parenting.Arta Selmani-Bakiu - 2016 - Seeu Review 12 (1):149-165.
    In the contemporary family law, parents are obliged to arrange the joined implementation of the parenting rights either by their own will or through the help of their lawyers and/or mediators. This institute of mutual agreement is known as joined custody or joined implementation of the parenting right after the divorce of the marriage. This institute makes it possible for parents who live separately to arrange their custody rights in the most convenient way for the child. With a joined custody (...)
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    The Notary Service - Justice Services.Emine Zendeli & Arta Selmani-Bakiu - 2016 - Seeu Review 12 (1):135-147.
    The aim of this study is to explore the role and the importance of the notary service in the process of dejudicialization of the judicial-civil protection. In this context, this paper first of all attempts to examine the extent to which the issues from the traditional competence of the court have been transferred to notary publics and the possibilities of further extension of this transfer. The judicial framework for the transfer of these issues from the court competences to that of (...)
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    Why do users accept the information technology? Description and use of theories and models of their acceptance.María García De Blanes Sebastián, Arta Artonovica & José Ramón Sarmiento Guede - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-15.
    The objective of this research is to understand, predict and explain what factors influence organizations and induce individuals to accept technology. Through the methodology of content analysis and based on the Web of Science database and through the MAXQDA software, this document analyzes and reviews the ten most important theories and models of technology acceptance used in recent years. This review offers a holistic view that will help future researchers to select the most appropriate theories to apply to their field (...)
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  23.  17
    A Survey on Authorship Analysis Tasks and Techniques.Ercan Canhasi, Arbana Kadriu & Arta Misini - 2022 - Seeu Review 17 (2):153-167.
    Authorship Analysis (AA) is a natural language processing field that examines the previous works of writers to identify the author of a text based on its features. Studies in authorship analysis include authorship identification, authorship profiling, and authorship verification. Due to its relevance, to many applications in this field attention has been paid. It is widely used in the attribution of historical literature. Other applications include legal linguistics, criminal law, forensic investigations, and computer forensics. This paper aims to provide an (...)
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  24.  33
    The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Domestic Violence-Psychological Consequences, the Legal Framework and its Treatment in the Republic of North Macedonia.Sami Mehmeti, Emine Zendeli, Arta Selmani-Bakiu & Hatixhe Islami - 2020 - Seeu Review 15 (1):121-141.
    In this paper the authors present the psychological consequences of social isolation on domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the legal framework in the RNM on addressing the phenomenon of domestic violence. In this age of globalization and drive for material conformity, family life is quite difficult to cope with. This “war” for material comfort during the pandemic, has strained and stressed many families as a result of the created circumstances. Public safety measures, including physical distance and (...)
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  25. Însemnare la scrierea lui Heidegger „Arta şi spaţiul“.Walter Biemel - 2003 - Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (Special):319-320.
  26. Kalokagathon; cercetare a corelaţiilor etico-estetice în artă și în realizarea-de-sine.Petru Comarnescu - 1946 - București,: Fundaţia Regală pentru Literatură, și Artă.
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    Angkor: An Essay on Art and ImperialismOn the Future of ArtA Phenomenological Analysis of Musical Experience and Other Related Essays.F. D. Martin, Jan Myrdal, Gun Kessle & Alfred Pike - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (4):569.
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  28. Psihoestetica experimentală și receptarea operei de artă.Stroe Marcus - 1986 - In Nina Nicolaeva, Arta modernă și problemele percepției estetice. București: Editura Minerva.
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    Mărturia artei: (Eseu despre cunoașterea prin artă).Victor Ernest Mașek - 1972 - București,: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste românia.
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  30. Estetica între știință și artă.Ion Pascadi - 1971 - București "Albatros,":
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    Lumea artei: imunitate sau responsabilitate? Problema responsabilitatii si a angajamentului în arta contemporana/ The Art World: Immunity or Responsibility? The Question of the Responsibility and the Engagement in the Contemporary Art.Dan-Eugen Ratiu - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (4):13-25.
    This study analyzes the relevance in the art world of an ethical and juridical category as the responsibility, as well as its content and limits. The acceptance of the idea of responsibility of the artists depends on the manner in which the “art world” and its frontiers are comprehended - as an autonomous and closed realm or, on the contrary, as a space open to the public control. If the modernist logic of the autonomy had led to the emergence of (...)
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    Relat̨ia social-autonom in arta'.Grigore Smeu - 1976 - București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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  33.  85
    Response to Abrusán, Shaw, and Elbourne.Ofra Magidor - 2016 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 59 (5):559-586.
    In my book Category Mistakes, I discuss a range of potential accounts of category mistakes and defend a pragmatic, presuppositional account of the phenomenon. Three commentators discuss the book: Márta Abrusán focuses on a comparison between my book and Asher’s Lexical Meaning in Context, suggesting that Asher’s theory has the advantage of accounting not only for category mistakes, but also for additional phenomena such as so-called ‘coertion’ and ‘co-predication’. I argue that Asher’s account of all three phenomena is deficient, and, (...)
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  34. Reconciling Conceptual Confusions in the Le Monde Debate on Conspiracy Theories, J.C.M. Duetz and M R. X. Dentith.Julia Duetz & M. R. X. Dentith - 2022 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 10 (11):40-50.
    This reply to an ongoing debate between conspiracy theory researchers from different disciplines exposes the conceptual confusions that underlie some of the disagreements in conspiracy theory research. Reconciling these conceptual confusions is important because conspiracy theories are a multidisciplinary topic and a profound understanding of them requires integrative insights from different fields. Specifically, we distinguish research focussing on conspiracy *theories* (and theorizing) from research of conspiracy *belief* (and mindset, theorists) and explain how particularism with regards to conspiracy theories does not (...)
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    The suasive art of David Hume.M. A. Box - 1990 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    Recognized in his day as a man of letters equaling Rousseau and Voltaire in France and rivaling Samuel Johnson, David Hume passed from favor in the Victorian age--his work, it seemed, did not pursue Truth but rather indulged in popularization. Although Hume is once more considered as one of the greatest British philosophers, scholars now tend to focus on his thought rather than his writing. To round out our understanding of Hume, M. A. Box in this book charts the interrelated (...)
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  36. Arta de a întelege muzica.George Bălan - 1970 - București: Editura muzicală.
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    Artă și cunoaștere.Vasile Băncilă - 2002 - București: Editura Istros-Muzeul Brăilei. Edited by Dora Mezdrea.
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  38. Arta de a gîndi.Traian Gânju - 1983 - București: Albatros.
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  39. Arta şi şublerul. Interviu cu avocatul Doru Costea.Andrei Manolescu - 2002 - Dilema 486:11.
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  40. Artă și matematică.Victor Ernest Mașek - 1972 - București,: Editura politică.
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  41. Artă, morală în istoria gîndirii estetice românești.Dumitru Matei & Gheorghe Stroia (eds.) - 1983 - București: Editura Eminescu.
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  42. Artă și comunicare. Matei, Dumitru & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1971 - București: "Meridiane,".
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  43. Artă, actualitate, comunicare.Virgil Mocanu - 1986 - In Nina Nicolaeva, Arta modernă și problemele percepției estetice. București: Editura Minerva.
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  44. Arta modernă și problemele percepției estetice.Nina Nicolaeva (ed.) - 1986 - București: Editura Minerva.
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    Artă și convenție.Cezar Radu - 1989 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică.
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  46. Arta conversaţiei civilizate. Bucureşti.Margaret Shepherd & Sh Hogan - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  47. Artă și filosofie.Ernest Stere - 1979 - Iași: Junimea.
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  48. Artă și ideologie.Alexandru Tănase & Ion Rebedeu (eds.) - 1979 - Iași: "Junimea".
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  49.  12
    Plato's Pigs and Other Ruminations: Ancient Guides to Living with Nature.M. D. Usher - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Greeks and Romans have been charged with destroying the ecosystems within which they lived. In this book, however, M. D. Usher argues rather that we can find in their lives and thought the origin of modern ideas about systems and sustainability, important topics for humans today and in the future. With chapters running the gamut of Greek and Roman experience – from the Presocratics and Plato to Roman agronomy and the Benedictine Rule – Plato's Pigs brings together unlikely bedfellows, (...)
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  50. Sensations, brain-processes, and colours.M. C. Bradley - 1963 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 41 (3):385-93.
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